Megan will be 6 months old tomorrow. The time has flown by. These last two weeks, though, have seemed to be particularly busy (developmentally) for our little one. She broke her first tooth, learned to sit by herself, rolls over from front to back, grabs for things (she started reaching up today), and had her first real laugh when she was tickled. All this happened in the last 2 weeks. It's amazing. I've so worried about her being behind because she was a preemie, but she has caught up.
We had our 6-month check up today and she got another round of shots. She doesn't like those much but she handles them like a trooper. She weighs 17 lbs and is 25 in. long. Her favorite toy are these plastic chain links that are easy to grab and are just the right bite size for her. Her favorite game is the horsey game where I sit on the floor and straddle her across my leg and she can bounce up and dow

All of the help and advice I've received from friends and family has been absolutely invaluable. My husband has done a great job, too. She now recognizes both of us even from across the room. She is still as social as ever and will giggle and play with just about anyone. She even tries to imitate other babies' movements. She's just growing so fast I can hardly stand it. Pretty soon she'll be crawling around and getting into trouble. My little baby is growing.
It has been difficult to put into words just how I feel about her. I love her so much. I can't imagine life without her now. I'm grateful that she is ours forever.